The year has started out with a bang. As soon as January started we were off to St. Simons Island on our way to St. Augustine. We spent Chance's birthday with her family and enjoyed some great weather, and food on St. Simons. We went from there to the Summit at St. Augustine beach for a gathering of 120 of the biggest school and sports photographers in the country. The days were spent sharing with other studio owners and our lab. We went over new cutting edge developments in workflow and sales. Brainstormed innovative packaging and delivering options. The group talked about the good and bad of AI technologies in our profession and how it can help and what to look out for. The summit also tackled opportunities in leveraging technology and lean processes to reduce labor, while fostering scalable and growing businesses. There were interactive sessions and networking times each day for us to share, learn and relax with other like minded studio owners. This was an invitation only event of the top studios in the country and we are honored to have been invited back, our fourth year. We look forward to next year!
Since getting back we hit the ground running photographing sports and schools. A good bit of time has been taken up with preparing for the new year. Scheduling, new backgrounds for the spring season and hiring for new positions. Those are just a few of the things we have been tackling. Working on parking and a new dressing room are currently being addressed.
If you, or if you know of anyone that wants to come help us as we grow - we are hiring. We are looking for an office/customer service/photographer and a couple part time event weekend helpers. Interested? Email us a resume at, we would love to hear from you.
And of course we had a little time to ourselves.